Friday, May 19, 2017

Fri.’s Devo - Sowing and Reaping

Read: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44; John 10:22-42; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 15:20-21
David had an opportunity to kill Saul and could have seen it as a
God-given opportunity. His men advised him to take it. The truth was, Saul was the man God had appointed the king and only God should take him out of the office. David understood that to interfere would be to go against God. Instead, David chose to face his fear and confront Saul. He did it in a most humble and honoring way. Saul was able to see David’s heart and it changed Saul for a while. It could have gone so differently and so wrong.
David sowed a seed of kindness to Saul and reaped kindness in the next story. David’s men were hungry and had been safeguarding Nabal’s shepherds as they watched over their sheep. They knew it was time to shear the sheep which meant there would be a great festival and asked to be a part of it since they actually played a part of protecting the sheep. Nabal was not kind or giving so he repayed evil for good. He refused to let David’s men be a part of the festival, so David told his men to get their swords and attack Nabal. Abigail, Nabal’s wife was told about Nabal’s mean response to David and set out to make peace. She quickly prepared a feast for David’s men and had her servants accompany her to meet David. She repented for her husband’s cruelty and David’s anger was appeased. God brought vengeance on Nabal and he died as soon as he heard what his wife had done. David heard Nabal had died and took Abigail as his wife. It ended well for everyone…except Nabal. Nabal means “foolish” and Abigail means “father of joy”.
Jesus was at the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem and the people tried to get Jesus to admit that he was the Messiah. Jesus explained that only his true sheep would hear him and know who he was. At this, they tried to stone him but God didn’t allow that. Then they tried to seize him, but God didn’t allow that either. God has a perfect timing and nothing can change that for those who walk in His Spirit.
Lord, help us to plant good seed and give kindness whenever we can.

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