Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tues.’s Devo - The Kingdom of God is Giving

Read: Joshua 16:1-18:28; Luke 19:1-27; Psalm 87:1-7; Proverbs 13:11
Today we have the inheritance of Joseph which went to his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. The women of Manasseh’s tribe had a similar case to Caleb’s daughter. They wanted their inheritance. They took their case before the priest and Joshua and they ruled in their favor.
I’ve noticed that every tribe seems to have flat land, watered land, mountainous land, uninhabited land and inhabited land that they need to take. It seems to describe life. The enemies seemed to be in the mountainous land. The mountainous land represents the spiritual and physical ups and downs - the trials. Mountain top experiences are great but the enemy comes right behind it and tries to steal it.
In Luke, we have the story about Zacchaeus. He was zealous to see Jesus. He was also a tax collector which meant that he had few friends and a bad reputation with the Romans and his own people. He was basically the traitor of his own. Jesus saw beyond his reputation to his heart. He wanted to eat with him and satisfy the hunger of his soul. Zacchaeus received Jesus and was so changed he wanted to demonstrate the change in his heart and return with interest all he had extorted from them.
Then Jesus gave them a parable about the kingdom of God. They thought Jesus was about to set up an earthly kingdom soon so Jesus gave them a story to tell them how to live while waiting for his kingdom. The story was about investing what God has given you into the kingdom. God will reward us for what we have done. The one who gives the most will be the one who receives the most. This is a great reminder to us who, like me tend to feel entitled to my stuff.
Lord, help us to give freely what we can’t keep anyway to gain what can’t be taken from us.

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