Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Tues.’s Devo - God’s Seasons

Read: Judges 4:1-5:31; Luke 22:35-53; Psalm 94:1-23; Proverbs 14:3-4
Israel’s second judge, Ehud, died and Israel fell into idolatry. God sold them into the hands of Jabin, a Canaanite king. The commander of his army was Sisera from Harosheth. Jabin oppressed Israel for 20 years until the people cried out to the Lord for deliverance. God raised up Deborah to be their deliverer. She was a prophetess and commissioned Barak to lead an army against Sisera. She would lure his army to him.
Jabin froze with fear and told Deborah he would only go if she was with him. Because he wouldn’t take his orders and trust in the Lord to be with him, Deborah told him he would not get the credit for delivering Israel. Jabin looked to a woman to do his job, so God used a woman to kill Sisera. Jael, a woman along the way lured Sisera into her tent and killed him with a tent peg and a hammer. Jael became the hero instead of Barak.
All the battles in the Old Testament are lessons on spiritual warfare. This one is to show us to have courage when God calls us because if God calls us to do something, He will be with us and make sure it is accomplished. We should never be afraid when God is leading us into battle because the victory will be the Lord’s.
In Luke, Jesus changed his strategy. When the disciples were going out ministering he told them not to take an extra coat or money, but now he is telling them to take any extra money and to do what it takes to buy a sword. Times change with what God is doing. The Bible was written for all times, all seasons, and all occasions so you have to find the verses that fit your circumstance at the moment. The Holy Spirit will highlight verses for you that will minister to your need at the right time.
We are in a season of great warfare and great trials but our God is able to deliver us. We need to be awake and encouraging because we all need it in this transition. The kingdom of God is advancing and Satan is on a mission to stop it. He will not win so we need to take heart and persevere. The victory is coming!
Lord, may we hear your commission for the season we are in.

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