Sunday, September 11, 2016

Sun.’s Devo - Nothing is Impossible with God

Read: Zechariah 6-8; Ezra 5:3- 6:14
The other night I had a dream about a large bird who flew into the window where Dave and I had been staying for a temporary time. Dave was busy sweeping and cleaning the place up. The bird suspended in air right at the window looked in then flew off. Then a huge bird came zooming toward the window and hit the window with its beak. It stayed there for a while just staring at us. I noticed a blinking light on it neck like it was recording what it was seeing. It had orange feathers and I knew it was evil. When I finally got Dave’s attention, he went to the window and opened it and the bird was gone.
We have been doing great spiritual warfare for my son and his wife and are seeing the hand of God. I felt like this watcher was coming to see who was causing the tremble in his force and trying to intimidate us. Then I read today’s reading and am so encouraged. This Word is so relevant to what we are living in our lives if we can see the picture.
Today, three men bring gifts from the exiled Jews. There names respectfully mean: “My times and goodness will be known of God.” They were to crown a man whose name means “Savior, son of righteousness” who was called the Branch. He would be a priest and a king. I don’t need to tell you who he represented.
Then, two men came to intimidate them. Their names meant “gifted, and evil watcher”. That was what got my attention concerning my dream. They wanted to know who had given the Jews permission to rebuild and restore the Temple. (The devil will try to intimidate you and ask you who you are to think you can change anything.)
Their answer was that they were servants of God and they had been given authority from the king to rebuild this temple. That is our answer. We have been given permission by the King of Kings to rebuild the Temple of God on the earth.
Not only were they able to keep building, but their enemies were commanded to help them and they were given tax money to fund it. Everything they needed was provided and God said that He was planting seeds of peace and prosperity in the place of ruin and destruction. That is a promise we can take into whatever prayer we are praying. God told them that all this may seem impossible to us, but it is not impossible for Him.
Lord, thank you for this encouraging Word. With You, nothing is impossible!

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