Saturday, September 3, 2016

Sat.’s Devo - The Glory of The Lord Returns

Read: Ezekiel 40:38- end of 43
God took Ezekiel in a vision to a very high mountain. He could see what looks like a city toward the south. The Spirit brought him closer and a man was standing there with a linen measuring cord and a measuring rod. God told Ezekiel to pay close attention to everything he was about to show him so he could go back and tell the people what he saw. (Eze. 40:1-4)
Today we read about he rooms where they prepared for the sacrifices, the priest’s rooms, the inner courtyard and the Temple and the altar. Carved on the walls of the inside of the Temple were Cherubims with two heads, carrying a palm tree between each of their faces. One of their faces was of a man and the other of a young lion. Yesterday I suggested that these palm trees represented the overcomes who weathered the storm. How fitting that they would be carried by the angels. Their faces show who is watching us and the way we go through our trials: man and Jesus.
Ezekiel was to measure each room and building so he could tell the people how majestic it was. The glory of the Lord appeared in the eastern gate - the same one that Jesus will enter when he returns. The glory cleansed the Temple. There was one basic law for the Temple and that was absolute holiness. What a word for us. If we want the glory of the Lord to visit us in a tangible manner, we need to have our temples holy. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit that God wants to fill with His presence.
God told Ezekiel to tell the people about the vision and the measurements of the temple so that they would repent. This blueprint for this temple was not only a blueprint for a building but it was a blueprint for a nation. The people were in exile, without a nation so this was to give them hope for a new nation and another chance.
Lord, fill our temples with your Spirit. Baptize us in your Holy Spirit anew. May we be palm trees engraved on the walls of your Temple.

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