Thursday, December 25, 2014

Thur.’s Devo - End Time Blessings

Read: Zech 8:1-23: Rev. 16:1-21; Ps. 144:1-15; Pr. 30:29-31 Today’s prophecy is an encouragement to God’s people. This is what God says about the church. It will be a house of truth. All ages will prosper and live in peace and safety. We will be a blessing on the earth and one day people will come to us seeking the God in us. In Revelations we see that the vials are plagues like the plagues Moses released on Egypt: sores, water to blood and darkness with a few others like scorching heat, Euprates drying up and the earth being shaken added to the list. Instead of turning their hearts to God in repentance, the people blasphemed God only adding to their judgment and showing their true heart. To these people God will come as a thief. Babylon is finally being judged. Psalms 144 goes right along with what we are reading today. God is our goodness, our fortress, our high tower, our deliverer and our shield. God is going to come to our defense and give us a new song. Our sons will be mature in their youth and our daughters will leaders that are righteous and solid in their beliefs. We will be blessed with more than enough to live on and prosper. We will have nothing to complain about and we will be happy! Lord, thank you that you care if we are happy and blessed.

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