Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sun.’s Devo - The Church

Read: Zechariah 1:1-21: Rev. 12:1-17; Ps. 140:1-13: Pr. 30:17 
Zechariah means “Yahweh Remembers”. He prophesied before Israel was taken into bondage to Babylon. He followed Haggai and was one of the most Messianic prophets in the Old Testament. Zechariah starts by calling God’s people back to Him. He sees a man riding on a red horse along with others on red and speckled and white horses. The man explains that these were God’s watchmen on the earth. The angel said that the temple would be rebuilt inspire of the four powers that had risen against her (the four horns). 
Revelation 12 is a summary of the church. She is pregnant with the Messiah all through the Old Testament. She has the Word of God in her belly. He comes forth and is taken up to God - resurrected. The Church flees into hiding where God feeds her. In heaven there is a battle to cast Satan and his hosts out. They are cast down to earth along with his demons. The Church overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and the fact that they don’t love life but are willing to die for Jesus. In the place of hiding, the devil tries to flood the Church out of its place of rest. The earth helps the Church so the devil, who is irate wages war on her seed. We are that seed. The devil will try to flood us out of our place of rest and faith with adversity and anything he can come up with. We need to stay in peace and trust in God. We are in a war where we will win! 
Lord, thank you for this great picture to show us of what is going on. I pray that we not be flooded away with fear and dismay but keep our eyes on You!

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