Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tues.’s Devo - Till the End

Read: Isa. 60:1-62:5; Phil. 1:27:2:18; Ps. 72:1-20; Pr. 24:11-12 We are seeing these scriptures fulfilled in our lifetime. The Gentile are coming into the kingdom and will continue like a flood. We are about to see the largest harvest ever before which will precipitate the Jewish harvest. We, as Gentiles are to provoke them to jealousy in our faith toward God and Jesus. The Jew that has been forsaken and hated will become an eternal excellence and joy. Violence will no more be heard in the land of Israel! Won’t that be a welcome change? I have to admit some of this sounds too good to be true, but it is not. When God declares something its a done thing. I believe this is talking about the seventh millennium but it will happen. We read in Isaiah that our gates should be praise and in Phillippians we read that our conversation should honor the gospel of Christ. Our gates are our mouths. We should guard what comes out of our mouths and let it be praise and wisdom. We should honor one another above ourselves and walk humbly before God. We can have the mind of Christ which makes us a servant. If Christ could submit to death, then we should be able to submit to our boss, or our husband, or to what God is asking of us. Only by dying to ourselves are we able to be exalted by God. We will see that our sacrifice will not be in vain. Lord, thank you for Your plans for a great future. Help us to not get weary in well doing but to patiently endure with joy till you come.

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