Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tue.’s Devo - Freedom Promises

Read: Is. 41:17-43:13; Eph. 2:1-22; Ps. 67:1-7; Pr. 23:29-35 When the Bible talks about the “poor and needy” it is talking the depressed in mind or circumstances and in want, but spiritually it means those that humbly realize their need for God. For them God promises to open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys which means to open up the mysteries and the riches of who He is and fill our hungry hearts so that we might see and know and consider and understand the things God is doing and going to do in the future. Chapter 42 describes Jesus as His elect to bring light to the Gentiles. He will open their blind eyes, set those imprisoned free. God wants to bury our past so that He can bring forth a new thing in us. He wants us to sing a new song, trust Him to lead us in paths we are unfamiliar to us, make light out of our darkness and make our crooked ways straight. It is good to remind ourselves that Jesus came to bring peace and break down the wall between us and God. He abolished the wrath we deserve and the commandments to give us an access by the Spirit to God. We are now of the family and household of God. Lord, thank you for Your promises. It is so comforting to have such a caring daddy.

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