Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wed.’s Devo. - If They Would Only Turn Back to God

Read: 2 Chron. 26:1-28:27, Ro. 13:1-14, Ps. 23:1-6, Pr. 20:11 Uzziah looks like a promising king. He followed God and everything He told Zechariah. (Every king had their main prophet and Zechariah was Uzziah’s) So he prospered financially, in battle, in industry, and strategy. But…..when he reached the top of his rule he became proud and decided he was worthy of burning incense to the Lord - a job only allocated to priests. He ended up with leprosy till his death. It is so true that the more we have, the more we want. Uzziah had everything except the duty of priest. He coveted this position and it cost him everything. He lost his health, his right to go to the temple to worship, his kingdom responsibilities which had to be given to his son, Jotham and his pride. Jotham ended up being a good king that prepared his ways before the Lord but his people were corrupt. His son, Ahaz was also corrupt. He worshipped other gods so God gave him over to the Syrians who took captives from Judah and gave them to the king of Israel. God dealt with the king of Israel till he clothed and fed the captives and sent them back to Judah. At another time, Ahaz was being attacked by the Syrians. He tried to buy them with treasure from the Temple. When this didn’t bring peace he decided to worship the gods of the Assyrians. This was the ruin of him and the people. They closed the doors of the temple of God and used the holy instruments to worship foreign gods. In Romans we read that to love is to fulfill all the commandments. Lord, may our nation turn back to You and serve You with all our hearts. You are the only one who can deliver us from the financial mess we have gotten ourselves in. You can do it!

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