Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thurs.’s Devo. - Hezekiah

Read: 2 Chron. 29:1-30:, Ro. 14:1-23, Ps. 24: 1-10, Pr. 20:12 I pray that God would raise up a Hezekiah in our generation that would cleanse our land of its idols. Hezekiah reinstituted the observance of the Passover feast. Passover celebrated their exodus from Egypt and God’s great deliverance for His people. To us it represents Jesus as our Passover lamb who died for the sins of the whole world - our exodus from our old life. In Romans, Paul expounds heavily on judging others. It is not our job to judge others - whether they fast or not, or any other religious ritual. Everybody has to walk out their own walk and hear the Lord for themselves. The only ingredient we need to please God is faith. If we act in faith believing we are pleasing God, then we are. He is more interested in our hearts than our sacrifices. If our hearts are right then we will want to obey God. Obedience is greater than sacrifice to the Lord. We sometimes like to choose how we are going to bless the Lord or sacrifice to him, but He would rather us obey him. Giving our money just to get it out of our hands is not always the right way. We should ask God where He wants us to spend or give our money. I have been led to hire someone with the highest bid because God wanted to do something in that person’s life that He needed me to do. Money is nothing to God. He can replace any we use for the kingdom and will. When we realize nothing is ours: our money, our time, our possessions, our children, our friends, then we are in the position for God to do wonderful things. Lord, help us not to judge anyone but our selves. We give you all the decisions that we’ll face today. May we obey.

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