Monday, October 21, 2013

Mon.’s Devo - The Spirit of Jezebel

Read Rev. 2:20 The church of Thyratira was rebuked for allowing Jezebel to teach and seduce God’s people into idolatry. It is important to know who Jezebel is to recognize her spirit. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of Sidon (1 Kings 16:31) “Sidon” means “hunting” because it personified the devil who is always roaming around hunting someone to devour. Her father was a priest unto Astarte. He had gained his position as king by murdering his predecessor making Jezebel the daughter of a murderer. Jezebel was not a child of Abraham. She came into Israel by a political marriage to Ahab. Her goal was to bring her idolatry into Israel. She became a priestess in the temple and erected a temple to Astarte (Venus) and Baal (the sun god). She was greatly used by Satan for the downfall of Israel. The church married the state under Constantine who was a pagan disguised as a Christian. He tried to bring everyone under one religious group. When the true Christians realized it wasn’t working and split apart, they were branded as heretics and persecuted. Jezebel did the same thing. She tried to force her religion on all the people and killed the prophets and priests of God. I watched that happen in the 70’s when people all over the US got filled with the Holy Spirit, and the organized church labeled them heretics and had them thrown out. They might not have been persecuted physically, but they sure were persecuted emotionally and some even asked to leave the churches they attended. Many new Charismatic churches rose up. This spirit of Jezebel was alive and well in the Roman Catholic church. The popes changed the wording of the Bible to reflect their beliefs, came up with rituals that taught the people they could buy their way to heaven. Without the Bible to read for themselves, the people were easy targets of seduction. Jezebel spread her idolatry to all who would believe. Lord, help us to stay awake to truth and discernment.

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