Monday, October 14, 2013

Mon.’s Devo - The Doctrine of Balaam

Read Rev. 2:14 In this third church age God talks about two doctrines that he hates. There first is the doctrine of Balaam. Balaam was the false prophet that was bribed to curse Israel. Each time he tried, God blessed Israel through Balaam’s mouth. But, Balaam’s heart was not on blessing Israel, and he found a way to bring Israel down by introducing them to idols and perverting the truth in their doctrine. When the Jews were scattered from Jerusalem in 36 A.D., some of them ended up in Rome. There was so much dissension among the Jews, that the emperor of Rome had the Jews expelled. They had been the leaders of the flock in Rome and when they left, the small remnant fell into sin and introduced pagan ceremonies under Christian titles. They worshipped the apostles and saints as gods and lit candles and burned incense on the altar just like sinners did in the pagan temples. They celebrated the Passover under the name Easter and worshipped the sun god. When the Christian Jews that had been kicked out returned in 54 A.D., they found the church deep in paganism. They were not received by the new leaders, so they started a second Church of Rome. God visited this second church with signs and wonders. The First Church of Rome still remains today and is called the Roman Catholic Church. The First Church of Rome continued to grow and become powerful and politically involved. So much so, that they convinced the government to persecute the true church. They began killing their once brothers just as Cain killed Abel. Though the true church tried to get the First Church to repent, it was useless. Terrible persecution of Rome fell upon the true believers until Constantine arose and gave freedom of worship to everyone. Constantine tried to govern the church and wed church and state. This is why Pergamos means many marriages. Constantine had beautiful buildings erected with marble floors and altars, and images of the saints. This is the fulfillment of Rev. 13:3 that says the beast that was wounded came back to life again. It was the rebirth of the pagan Roman Empire that resurrected back to life. It was now called the “Holy Roman Empire”. (Dan 2:31-45) So the spirit of Balaam lived on. Lord, may your true church arise in power in these last days and live by every Word that proceeds from your mouth.

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