Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wed.'s Devo - Job Continues

Read Job. 9:23-35 By now Job has gotten a little bitter towards God. Job claims God destroys the wicked right along with the innocent. When widespread disaster hits, it is no respecter of persons. Job claims that God takes pleasure in watching the innocent suffer. The wicked take over and justice is distorted and God is in control. Job is watching his life slip away. He argues that if he tries to put on a happy face, he feels like his fate is sealed. There is no way to change his life. Soap won't cleanse his soul. Job fells powerless. Job finds no way to relate to God. God is not a man and there is no mediator to bridge the gap. Job absolutely fears god. This was the plight of man before Jesus came. They were afraid of God. and his power. They didn't see him as a loving father but a powerful being that was impossible to please. David in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New showed us the loving kindness of the Lord. Lord, thank you for your goodness and your love for fragile man. Thank you for Jesus, our mediator. I thank you for opening our hearts and minds to know you.

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