Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tues.’s Devo. - Eliphaz Speaks FIrst

Read Job 4:1-21 Today we will hear from Eliphaz. He starts with asking Job if it would be ok if he said something. They have sat there in silence for seven days and he has stored up a wealth of knowledge he is dying to spill. He admonishes Job’s accomplishments: he has taught many and given many hope but now he is the one in need of help. He explains that the people who sow righteousness, reap righteousness and those who sow iniquity, will reap iniquity. Then he goes into the telling of a dream he had during their mourning. In his dream he was filled with fear which caused him to physically shake. A spirit passed in front of him which was very scary. He couldn’t make out what it was but he heard God’s voice say, “Is man more just or pure than God?” Even God didn’t trust his own servants and some of his angels rebelled and were kicked out of heaven.” (2 Pet. 2:4) So how much less trust is God going to put in man who is a house of clay, who came from dust, and will die like a moth. Men are born and die everyday without knowing the wisdom of God. Eliphaz is trying to insinuate that Job must have some hidden sin that has caused this to happen to him. His response is a popular and common response we have when things don’t go right. We tend to immediately think we have done something to deserve it. Sometimes we have. Prov. 26:2 says that a curse won’t stick to a person without a cause, but that doesn’t mean that every time something doesn’t go our way, it’s because of what we have done. That is why we have the Holy Spirit: to lead us into all truth. Lord, when it seems we are under a curse; show us the truth and what to do about it.

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