Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Every New Years I ask the Lord for a word for the next year. Last year’s word was “forever”. I talked about how God has written eternity in our hearts and how this life is a portal to the next. Little did I know that my mother would leave us this year, or that our son would lose his son this year. I have heard of more deaths this year than I can remember so I know it was a year God harvested some of his saints. This year, I felt like my word was “blue skies”. It thought it strange so I contemplated what God might mean by it. Blue skies usually come after a storm or a trial. At least, that is when you notice it the most - when it has been absent for a while. I know that the world is only going to look bleaker, but for us it will be blue skies when it is over. God works all things, ALL THINGS, for our good. There is nothing that He can’t redeem and use. When Jesus died on the cross there was darkness and thunders, but on the 3rd day there were blue skies and Jesus appeared to the disciples. There will be dark times but don’t be afraid, because the blue skies will follow and you will be able to see clearly. America seems to be slipping further and further away from God, but I read in Ezekiel 34:11 that the True Shepherd will search and seek out his sheep. He will bring them to good pasture, to the mountains, where He will cause them to lie down and feed in rich pastures. There he will bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick. He will judge the unrighteous. God’s flock will no longer be a prey. We will be a blessing and be blessed with fruit and safety. Lord, thank you for a year of walking with a faithful God who never changes and always comes to the aid of those who call on you. You never disappoint or abandon us, but you are forever faithful. We are your devoted servants.

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