Monday, November 12, 2012

Mon.’s Devo - God’s Judgment

Read Ex. 32:26-33 Moses has just come down from his “mountain-top experience” with the Lord to walk into a camp full of idolatry. He stands in the gate and shouts, “Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come to me.” The Levites are the first to repent and come stand with Moses. Then Moses told them to strap on their swords and kill everyone at the party. So the Levites went through and killed everyone within the gates which ended up being about 3,000. If you study the feasts you find that the Lord visited his people on the mountain on the first Pentecost. As a result of this 3,000 were killed. In the New Testament God also visited his people on Pentecost and gave his Holy Spirit to them and as a result 3,000 were saved (Acts 2). On the first Pentecost the mountain was on fire; on the second Pentecost the people were on fire. We are to live in the state of Pentecost - on fire for the Lord and full of the Holy Spirit. After the slaughter, Moses told them to consecrate themselves and their families so that God could bless them. They did and the next day Moses met with the people and told them he was going to ask God to forgive them. Moses went back to where he had spent time with the Lord and begged him to forgive the people. He placed himself on the same level of the people and identified with their sin just like Jesus did for us. The Lord told Moses that he would blot the people’s name out of his book that had sinned against him. Tomorrow, I want to talk about this book he is talking about. Lord, you say in Ps. 18 that your judgments are true and righteous altogether and that they are to be desired more than fine gold and that they are sweeter than honey. Thank you for being a just and merciful judge for in keeping your commandments there is great reward.

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