Friday, November 16, 2012

Fri.’s Devo - God’s Goodness

Read Ex. 33:11-19 There were only two people in the Bible that were called a “friend” of God, - Moses was one (Abraham was the other.) Moses spoke to him face-to-face. In this conversation Moses reminded God that it was God’s idea to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. God told Moses that he knew him by name and that they had found grace in his sight. So if that was so, Moses wanted God to show him is ways that he might know God and God might advise this nation. Then God gave Moses a promise that should be our theme song, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” That is the true test of your maturity in the Lord: if in any situation you can walk with God and live in his rest. Moses knew there was no other way to travel…better than American Express. Then Moses asked the question he had been leading up to. “Show me your glory.” God’s response was probably not what he was expecting. He told Moses that he would make all of his “goodness” pass before him and he would give him his name. Then he adds that he will be gracious to who he chooses to be gracious to and merciful to who he wants to be merciful to. That was a strange answer to Moses question in my opinion. So God’s glory comes in his goodness. I looked up “goodness” in the Strongs and it means “beauty, gladness, joy, welfare”. We don’t often think of God in the Old Testament as revealing himself as beautiful and happy. We think of him as mad and wanting to kill someone if they sin. But, when Moses asked to see him, this is the side of him he chose to reveal. Then God spoke of being gracious and merciful. Moses probably needed to hear that after seeing God’s strict judgment on the people when they made the golden calf. Lord, today, help us to know you as Goodness: beautiful, full of gladness and joy and wanting the very best for us. May we extend your name to those we come in contact with today.

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