Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thur.s’ Devo - God’s Plan of Deliverance

Read Ex. 2:23-3:12 According to the timeline I found, the children of Israel were in Egypt 215 years, mostly in bondage. The king of Egypt dies and it is time for a new rule. It is also time for God to move in behalf of Israel. The people had learned that only God, their king could help them. He was their only hope. God had made a covenant with each of Abraham’s descendants that he would establish them in their own land and be their God and God did not forget that. Meanwhile back in Midian, Moses is keeping his father-in-laws flocks. He has led them to the back side of the desert where Mount Horeb is… the mountain of God. Horeb is a whole mountain range and is also known as Mt. Sinai where Moses would return and meet God again and he would give him the law. This time he sees a bush that appears to be on fire but instead of burning up it just stood unconsumed by the fire. Moses marveled at it and came closer. But as he grew closer he heard God speak his name. He answered and God told him to take off his shoes because the ground he was standing on was holy. God introduced himself to Moses as the God of his father, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob and Moses hid his face. God told him that he had watched and knew of all the afflictions the Israelites were going through. He was coming down to deliver them and bring them to the land he had promised long ago: a good, large land, flowing with milk and honey - where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jubusites now lived. This was to be their land. And by the way…. I am sending you, Moses to deliver them. I’m sure Moses was excited till he heard the last part. He responded like I would have, “Who am I, that I should got to Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” But God wasn’t giving Moses an out. He promised that he would not go alone. God, himself would go with him and bring him back to this very mountain. Only then, instead of a small bush on fire it would be a whole mountaintop. Sometimes it seems like God asks us to do impossible things but he never expects us to do it alone. He just needs our willingness to let him use our bodies to move through. Nothing could be more exciting and fulfilling. Lord, help us to comprehend your greatness and willingness to work through us. Thank you that you always have a plan of deliverance when things get unbearable. We put our trust in You.

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