Friday, June 15, 2012

Fri.’s Devo- Joseph’s Slow Ascend to the Throne

Read Gen. 39:1-20
Meanwhile back to Joseph…  Last time we read about Joseph he had been sold by his brothers to Ishmeelites who sold him to Potiphar who was an officer of the Pharaoh.  He was captain of the guard which meant he was important, rich, and out of town a lot doing the Pharaoh’s bidding.  The blessing of the Lord was on Joseph and God gave him favor in Potiphar’s eyes so he put Joseph in charge of all his house.  The anointing God placed on Joseph caused everything he did to prosper and he acquired much more wealth for Potiphar.  Potiphar trusted him completely and didn’t even keep account of his affairs.  But God had bigger plans for Joseph.  Potiphar’s wife became interested in Joseph and when Joseph didn’t return her affection she got desperate.  One day she found herself alone in the house with Joseph and grabbed his robe and begged him to be with her.  He left without his robe and ran out of the house.  She was so humiliated that she made up a lie that he had tried to rape her and when she screamed he left without his robe.  She kept the robe for insurance and waited for her husband to return to tell him.  When Potiphar heard what his wife said Joseph had done, he had him thrown into prison.  Now, how can this be God’s plan? …but it was.  Somehow, God had to get Joseph to the palace and in the meantime he had to prepare Joseph to be the next ruler.  Many times we do not see the things we go through as tests to prepare us for our destiny.  The greater the destiny; the greater the tests.  James says to count it joy when you encounter trials because it is God’s way of making you perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  God had to test Joseph with another’s wealth and wife to see if he would take them for himself or remain faithful.  He remained faithful.
Lord, help us to remain faithful to you no matter what the test.  

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