Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wed.'s Devo -Tyre

Read Isa. 23:1-18
Tyre was known as "the queen of the seas" because of it phenomenal harbor where merchants traded far and wide. The city was divided into two parts, one on the mainland, and the other on a protected island a half a mile from the shore. Nebuchadnezzar captured the mainland city in 572 B.C., and Alexander finally conquered the island city in 332 B.C. by building a causeway to the city and besieging it (which took 7 months). Trading ships were harbored at Cyprus which was northwest of Tyre. When they heard of Tyre's conquest Isaiah called the people of Cyprus to mourn for Tyre. God had planned and executed the destruction of this wealthy city because he was judging the city of pride. The people needed to repent for the same thing. For seventy years Tyre was judged. The Assyrians restricted and controlled its trade. After the 70 years Assyria had declined in power and Tyre rose up again to be a city of trade but this time the profits from her trade would benefit the Lord's people. May this be for America.
Lord, we know that your judgments last for a while but your faithfulness and love for ever. May we learn humbleness in your judgments so that we will honor you in our blessed time.

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