Friday, August 12, 2011

Fri.'s Devo - The Spirit of God

Read Isa. 11:1-9
These next few verses are some of the most powerful verses explaining Jesus' ministry and God that are in the Bible. The first verse tells of Jesus' origin. He will come from David's father, Jesse which is a picture of God since David is a type of Jesus. God is the tree and Jesus will be like a twig growing up from the trunk and a fruitful shoot coming from his roots. Since Jesus has always been with God he goes back to the root and the branch is his life here on the earth that everyone will see. Verse two gives a list of the 7 spirits of God: wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. He groups them in pairs because the two work together and the last one is the very spirit of God. Jesus will operate in all of these at a young age. He will be able to look into the heart of man and see what is not obvious on the surface. He will have perfect discernment which is why he could answer the woman at the well from the question of her heart instead of the question of her mouth. He will stand for the ones who can't stand for themselves and rebuke the unjust rulers. He did this as he healed and set free the common people and rebuked the Pharisees and leaders. He has no fear of man and saw everyone at the same level. He will be the epitome of righteousness and faithfulness to his father and his will. In the end he will set up a millennial reign where evil will be eradicated and righteousness will reign. The animal kingdom will be as it was in the garden of Eden where they all dwelt together in harmony. There will be no fear of being stung, attacked, or bit by an animal so little children will be able to play with snakes and lions. The whole earth will proclaim the glory of God.
Lord, what a day to look forward to! Help us to remember this when we get overwhelmed with life. We are here for a season but there are much better seasons ahead. To You be the glory.

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