Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tues.'s Devo - God's Restoration Process

Read Isa. 7:3
Yesterday we read how the king of Syria and the king of Israel had aligned and were coming to intimidate Judah to join them. God sends Isaiah with his son to meet the king of Judah and give him instruction and encouragement. God specifically tells Isaiah to take his son Shearjashub and to meet at the end of the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the fuller's field. All this is significant. Isaiah's son's name means "a remnant will return". God was saying, I am still in control and I promise to save a remnant to build this place up again. They were to meet at the end of the conduit of the upper pool. A conduit is a channel into which water is raised for irrigation. It is also a bandage or plaster (as placed upon a wound for healing). God was saying after all these events have run their course I will bring healing and restoration. This "upper pool" is the Lord's pool of healing. But the highway they had to walk on to get to the end of the conduit was the highway of the fuller's field. On the fullers' field they would take the harvest and wash it by stamping with their feet. So to get to healing they would have to be cleansed by a process.
Is that not true of us. America has turned their back on the Lord but through a process of stamping out our sin, God will heal us and our land and a remnant will return back to him.
Lord, may you turn our hearts to you and bandage up our wounds.

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