Monday, July 25, 2011

Mon.'s Devo- Stand Tall

Read Isa. 7:1-2
Prophesies of the Old Testiment always amuze me because they mix time all up. They prophesy about what is happening at the time then they blend in what will happen in the future when God will establish Isreal in the millennial kingdom. . It is the mystery of the Bible not to confuse us but to make the truth only available to those who search with all their hearts. So, let's search. This chapter starts out with a bunch of kings. Ahaz, the king of Judah is being attacked by Rezin the king of Syria and Pekah the king of Israel. Ahaz, which means possessor, was the son of Jotham who had done "that which was right in the sight of the Lord" except he didn't remove the high places where the people offered sacrifices to idols. In 2 Ki. 15:37 it says that it was the Lord who sent these kings against Judah. The name of the king of Syria meant "self, pleasure". And the name of the king of Israel meant "to watch". These two kings had made an alliance to stand together against the king of Assyria. They wanted to bring Ahaz, the king of Judah into the alliance with them so they were threatening to replace him with a puppet king if he didn't join them. That is what is called manipulation and God hates it. Ahaz hears that they are camped in Ephraim, which was Israel's largest tribe and he is terrified.
The devil will use some strong tactics against us to scare us into compromising or choosing the easy way out. The easy way usually costs you so much more. He studies us to find out or weaknesses so we just need to study the Bible and find out our strengths. We'll see tomorrow what happens.
Lord, teach us the strategy of the enemy. Help us to use our weapons which are mighty to the bringing down of strongholds.

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