Monday, October 6, 2008

Stand Up

God seems to speak to me often in dreams. He knows that is one of my languages that I sort of understand. I dreamed that some girl I was familiar with was leading me around the halls of a high school. She instructed me to do certain things that were orchestrated by an evil man who was her leader. At one time I had to take some medicine that was straped to my shoulder. It was suppose to give me strength. I took it but I knew it would do just the opposite. Another thing I had to do was wear a robe and crawl on my knees. All of a sudden something rose up in me and I stood up and threw these discs that were in my hands at the girl and said, "I'm not doing this anymore!" I walked away and she was totally powerless to stop me. I went straight to the principal's office and told Dr. Middleton that he might need to call the police if the leader came after me. I felt sure he would. Dr. Middleton seemed unalarmed and content to keep doing what he was doing. He was drawing dolls in a circle on a piece of wood. He couldn't quite get the dolls arranged in a perfect circle so he asked me to help him. I drew a circle in between the dolls and they conformed to the circle. He was pleased. He was going to cut them out with a saw. After a while he looked up and asked me if I was going to go to class. I walked out into the hall and the bell had just rang. I asked a teacher what time it was and she said 10. I was shocked because I had no idea how long I had stayed in the principal's office. I had missed the first 2 periods. Since I was a teacher, I wondered who taught my classes and what my students did. I went down to my class and met 2 unfamiliar teachers. One of them was old and gaunt. She said she had to teach someone's class 1st period and seemed perterbed. I told her that was probably mine.

When I woke up I asked God what this meant. This is what I felt like He said. The lady that lead me around was a familiar spirit, an enemy of Satan's that had a certain amount of control over me. I had allowed him to do this. When I realized what was happening, my spirit man rose up and said, "no more". I went running for God, scared of what Satan might do to retaliate. God was totally at peace. He is not afraid of the devil. He was busy working on people that he was crafting, trying to get them aligned with His plan. He uses us to do this. The body only works when we love one another. That is our greatest tool. He tells me to get back to work because there is work to be done out there in the world. We can't hide all the time, scared. I had spent so much time worrying about my enemy that I had waisted time I was supposed to be doing my "job". Someone else stepped in and took my responsibility but it wasn't the plan.

I know that this is not just for me personally, but also for the body. The times are very stressful and terrible, which is a great time for God to show Himself strong through us. We don't have to be afraid of the future. We are on this planet for "such a time as this." This is not the time to shrink back, but to press onward with our trust totally in Him. He loves us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, Ginny, for being willing to share how God speaks to you. When we see living people following a living God, we learn about how to follow in our own lives.

Love ya.