Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sat.'s Devo - Wine, Anyone?

Last night Dave and I watched extreme skiing. We watched in awe as this young generation skied off jumps and did three and a half flips and twists and unbelievable stunts never been done before. Rarely did they fall but when they did they laughed about it. They were all rooting for each other and when one of the guys got a perfect score the other guys were just as excited for him as he was. They were a group of guys united by their love for extreme skiing. What a picture of unity in the body.
I was reading in Matthew 9 the other day about the new wine in old wine skins. I had always wondered what it meant but now I get it. The old wine skins were the old traditions of the religious world. The new wine is the new thing God is doing. The new thing God was doing then was sending his son to earth to do miracles, and signs and wonders to point them to God and save the world. The religious sector who knew the Word backwards and forwards couldn't all receive this new wine. But the ones that allowed themselves to be refreshed and renewed by something new God was doing could receive, like the people in the rest of Matt. 9: the leader of the synagogue whose daughter was dead, the lady with the issue of blood, the two blind men, and the demoniac.
Like those extreme skiers who were doing new things never done before, we are invited to do things never done before in the spirit. Will we be the old wine skins who laugh at the boldness of God's people are will we be the new wine skins who God can pour his new wine into? The choice is ours.

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