Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Will will be Done

Read: Genesis 20:1-22-24; Matthew 7:15-29; Psalm 9:1-12; Proverbs 2:16-22 Abraham and Sarai moved to Gerar on the southern border of Palestine. It was ruled by Abimelech. Abraham had introduced Sarai to the people there as his sister because technically, she was since they had the same father. Sarai was so beautiful that Abimelech sent for her to be a part of his harem. *** God showed Abimelech in a dream that he was a dead man and his people also, if he didn’t give Sarah back to her husband. Abimelech called in Abraham and was very angry with him for lying about Sarah. Abraham explained he did it to save his own life. Abimelech returned Sarah to him and also gave him sheep, goats, cattle, servants and 1,000 pieces of silver. Abraham prayed for Abimelech and God opened the wombs of the women of Harar which he had closed. *** God also opened Sarah’s and she became pregnant and had Isaac at the exact time he had said. Abraham was 100 years old. *** When Issac was about to be weaned, Abraham prepared a great feast to celebrate the occasion. Sarah noticed Ishmael making fun of Issac and she complained to Abraham. Sarah wanted Hagar and Ishmael to leave. This upset Abraham greatly because he loved Ishmael. God came and comforted Abraham and told him to do whatever Sarah said because Isaac was the son through which he would count his descendants. God would also make a great nation of Ishmael because he was his son. *** Abraham gave Hagar some water and food and sent her and Ishmael away. When they ran out of provisions, Hagar knew they would die so she went apart from Ishmael so she wouldn’t have to witness him dying. God heard the cry of Ishmael and called to Hagar. He told her to go and comfort Ishmael because he was to become a great nation. Then he showed Hagar a well full of water. They were revived and learned to live off the land in the wilderness. Ishamael became a great archer and when he was old enough, Hagar arranged a marriage for him with an Egyptian. *** Abimelech came to Abraham to make a peace treaty between their families. Abraham agreed and then complained about a well that he had dug but Abimelech’s shepherds tried to take. Abimelech knew nothing about it. Abraham gave Abimelech sheep, goats and cattle and they made a treaty and in it, Abraham got the well. Abimelech left. They made this treaty in Beersheba - “well of the oath”. Abraham planted a tree here to mark it and made an altar to the Lord. *** God tested Abraham’s allegiance to him. He told him to take Isaac and sacrifice him on a mountain in Moriah. The day he chopped the wood for the sacrifice was his day of death. It symbolized the day Jesus was hung on the cross. Three days later he made it to the mountain and strapped Isaac to the wood. As he was drawing his knife to kill him, God stopped him. That was his the day of his resurrection. God told him that now he knew that Abraham would do anything for him. Abraham saw a ram caught in the thicket and sacrificed him instead. He named the place Yahweh-Yireh which means “the Lord will provide”. *** God confirmed his covenant with Abraham that he would bless him and multiply his descendants beyond the number of the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. His descendants would conquer the cities of their enemies. And through them all the nations of the earth would be blessed. He was speaking of us! We will conquer the cities of God’s enemies and this is happening now! *** Abraham got news that his brother Nahor and his wife Milcah had had eight sons. His concubine had given him four other children. One of his sons, Bethuel would have a daughter named Rebekah and she would marry Issac. Spoiler alert! *** Jesus in Matthew warns us of false prophets who would be disguised as harmless sheep but they would really be vicious wolves. This describes the main stream media to a tee. They prophecy nothing but fear, harm and destruction. They produce bad fruit. *** Jesus explains that it is not everyone who speaks the Lord’s name that is going to be saved but it is the ones who do what he says. It is not even the gifting that will save a person, it is the ones who truly know God. To know what the Bible says and not obey it is just asking for a fall. *** When Jesus finished his sermon, the people were amazed because he actually spoke with authority, not like the religious teachers of the law did. *** There are many pastors preaching sermons who are not walking in what they preach. It will catch up with them. God is exposing every lie. This is the time for us to be completely honest with God. *** Lord, may our hearts be pure and completely devoted to You and your truth. May we obey you in all you tell us to do. Thank you for this new year of prosperity and life. May your goodness lead many to repentance.

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