Friday, April 19, 2024

Fri.’s Devo - Cities of Refuge

Read: Joshua 19:1-20:9; Luke 19:28-48; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 13:12-14 Simeon’s territory was designated right in the midst of Judah’s land since Judah had too much land. *** Zebulun’s land included Bethlehem. *** Issachar’s land included 16 towns with their surrounding villages. Beth-shemesh was one of the towns. *** Asher’s land was in the north and included Tyre and Raman where Samuel was born. *** Naphtali’s land bordered Zebulun and Asher west of the Jordan River. *** Dan had trouble taking their possession so the attacked the town of Laish and captured it, renaming it Dan. *** When all the land was divided among the tribes, they gave to Joshua whatever piece of land he wanted. He chose Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim. He rebuilt the town and lived there. *** God told Joshua to designate cities of refuge for the person who accidentally killed someone. They could run and find refuge from the avenger of blood in that city. They would be safe as long as they stayed there. The priests would try their case and if they found the person to be innocent, he was to stay there protected until the death of the high priest, then he could go free. *** This is a picture of the plan of salvation. Before Jesus came to die for us, people were saved because of their faith in God. God counted their faith as righteousness. When they died, they lived in a city of refuge beneath the earth until Jesus, the High Priest died. Then he came and preached to those in the captivity of death and raised them up with him to be free indeed. *** Jesus had just told the story of the stewards that were given mina’s to invest. He told this along the way to Jerusalem. Jesus sent two of his disciples ahead to Bethany to find a young donkey that no one had ridden before. He was to bring it to Jesus. If anyone asked why they were taking it, they were to tell them that the Lord needed it. They did what Jesus said and brought the colt to Jesus. They threw their garments over it for him to ride on. To ride a donkey that had never been ridden before was a miracle in itself, but all nature bows to God. As Jesus rode this donkey down the Mount of Olives, all his followers began to shout and sing the hallel in Psalms. They were at the part that says “Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 118:26) *** The Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them for singing this to him and Jesus told them that if he didn’t let them sing, the rocks would cry out praises. *** Jesus wept as they got closer to Jerusalem. He could see its future demise. *** When Jesus entered the Temple he began to drive out the people who were selling animals for sacrifices. He told them that his Temple was to be a house of prayer but they had turned it into a den of thieves. *** Jesus taught daily in the Temple. While the leaders plotted how to kill him, the people held on to his every word. Lord, may we be like those who held on to your every word. Thank you that you have saved us from the avenger of blood.

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