Saturday, March 2, 2024

Sat.’s Devo - The Year of Jubilee

Read: Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:43-52; Psalm 45:2-27; Proverbs 10:22 Our reading begins by giving a way for a poor person to be redeemed by a relative. At the end of our reading God tells them the price of a person depending on their age. This was to be a way of redemption not a plan of slavery. *** At the Year of Jubilee all would be set free. Jubilee points to different times in history where God intervened in the lives of his people and gave them freedom from their enemies. It points ahead to the day of Judgment when all would be free and judged. Those hidden in Christ will not be judged but rewarded. The ones who rejected Christ will be condemned. *** The nation who follows God’s laws and serves him alone will be blessed. Their crops will be abundant; they will have peace from their enemies; they will be fertile and multiply; they will have more than enough. *** If they reject God’s laws they will be punished. They will experience famine, wars, calamities, plagues, and death. Their cities will lie in ruins and they will live in fear and dread for tomorrow. *** In spite of what they choose, God said he would remember his covenant he made with the people on Mt. Sinai. *** In Mark, Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem to die. He walked ahead of them and the disciples were filled with awe but the people following were filled with fear. Jesus took his 12 disciples apart and told them exactly what was going to happen when he got there. He was going to be betrayed to the religious leaders, they would sentence him to die and hand him over to the Romans. They would beat and flog him and finally kill him, but after three days he would rise again. *** They clearly didn’t get what he was saying because James and John asked him if they could sit in places of honor next to him when he came to his throne. Jesus told them they didn’t know what they were asking. Then he asked them if they could drink from the bitter cup of suffering he was about to drink from. They said they would. Jesus agreed with them but said that the places of honor were not his to give, but God’s. *** The other disciples were most upset when they found out what James and John had asked of Jesus but Jesus explained that the way to be exalted in his kingdom was to be the servant. I’m sure this shut them all up. *** Jesus encountered a blind man on the way and healed him. The man followed Jesus. He was about to find out just who healed him and get the opportunity to believe or reject him. *** Lord, thank you for giving us eyes to see who your are and how wonderful our salvation is. May we die daily and give up our lives to follow you. We wait in great expectation of our Jubilee.

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