Monday, February 26, 2024

Mon.’s Devo - God’s Faithfulness 2-26-24

Read: Leviticus 19-20:21; Mark 8:11-38; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 10:17 Today we read many laws about the interactions between people. They were to honor women, strangers, neighbors, their parents and elders. They were not to have anything to do with mediums, familiar spirits and those who sacrifice their kin to Molech. They were to be totally consecrated to the Lord and be holy. They were to obey his statutes. *** The worship of Molech involved child sacrifice and sexual deviation such as homosexuality, bestiality, and incest. It also involved consulting with mediums and other reign religious practices. *** One of the statutes that stood out to me was 20:12. It says that if a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them should be put to death because they had committed perversion. I am reminded of Tamar who played the harlot and slept with her father-in-law, Judah. He wanted her stoned until he found out whose child she was bearing. Under the law he would have died also so he didn’t charge her. He proclaimed that she was more righteous than him. He had not kept his promise to her. *** The sexual laws are given again but this time the consequence is given. The consequences are death, guilt, being cut off from their people or dying childless. *** In Mark the Pharisees kept asking for a sign from heaven to test him. Jesus was exasperated in his spirit wondering why they insisted on a sign. Signs were everywhere but they refused to read them so Jesus said that no sign would be given them. *** Once in the boat, Jesus told his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod. They thought he was talking about physical bread but he was talking about the wrong doctrine of the Pharisees and the government. They had the Bread of Heaven with them so they would never run out of bread. *** Lord, we have the Bread of Heaven always with us. May we never despair or worry. You have been faithful to us in the past and will be with us in the future.

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