Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wed.’s Devo - Ezra’s Exiles

Read: Ezra 8:21-9:15; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 21:1-2 Ezra had his group camp by the Ahaha Canal and fast and pray that their trip would be successful. It would take them 4 months to get to Jerusalem. They left on the first day of the first month in the religious calendar. That was the month of Passover, the same month the children of Israel left Egypt with Moses. They would be carrying much gold and silver and would be passing through dangerous paths to get there. Ezra had been ashamed to ask the king for soldiers to accompany them since he should be trusting in the Lord to protect them so that is what he was doing. God heard his prayer. They safely carried 24 tons of silver and 7,500 pounds of gold as well as other treasures. This had been offerings of the king and the people. *** The priests and Levites were in charge of carrying and protecting all the offerings to the Lord and the things set apart as holy. When they reached Jerusalem all the silver and gold was weighed and it was all accounted for. They offered up great amounts of animals on the altar to atone for the new arrivals to Jerusalem. They hadn’t been able to sacrifice to the Lord for over 70 years. *** Reports came to Ezra pertaining to the people that had preceded him to Jerusalem. He learned that many of the Levites and priests had polluted the Jewish race by intermarrying with pagan women and the leaders were the leaders in this sin. Ezra was so shocked by this he sat silently on the ground pulling the hairs from his head in anguish. When it came time for the evening sacrifice he fell to his knees and prayed with his hands lifted to heaven. He repented for his nation. They had gone into exile over their sins and now they were still guilty of the same sins. Ezra prayed for God’s mercy and repented for his people. *** Lord, thank you for your mercies that are new every morning. Thank you that you do not reward us according to our sins but the blood of Jesus cleansed us from them now and forever. Help us to walk worthy of your sacrifice.

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