Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Wed.'s Devo - Chronicles

Read: 1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17; Acts 23:11-35; Psalm 3:1-8; Proverbs 18:14-15 The Kings we just finished reading were written by the prophets and featured the kings of Israel. The Chronicles were written by the priests and highlight the kings of Judah. Chronicles start with the gendeologies which I love to read because it is so interesting who is written down and who is left out. With Adam's family they start with Seth which means "appointed" Abel and Cain were not recorded as his children. Noah was the ninth descendant of Adam's and he had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham's ancestors became the inhabitants of Canaan and the ones who became the enemy of God's people. They were the Philistines and all the "ites" of Canaan. *** From Shem's line came Abraham and the children of God. Abraham had Isaac who had two sons, Jacob and Esau. They call Jacob, Israel. Israel had twelve sons which became the twelve tribes. Judah was the fourth born but the one the priests concentrate on because it was the tribe that housed Israel's Temple and the land they lived in. From Judah came David, God's anointed king. *** In Acts, Paul had been put in prison until they could decide what to do with him since he was a Roman citizen. God spoke to him that night and told him not to be worried because he would be God's witness in Jerusalem and also in Rome. Hatred leads to murder. Some of the Jews hated Paul so much they vowed not to eat until they had killed him. They plotted to ask the Romans to let them question Paul further with plans of killing him on the road to the trial. Their plan was found out and reported to the Romans. The Romans outsmarted them and sent Paul secretly ahead of them to Caesarea to stand before Governor Felix. A letter was sent with him saying that he was innocent and had done nothing to be imprisoned for or put to death but it had to do with Jewish religious law. *** God knows everything and can protect us from any plot or plan of Satan's. We don't need to worry about anything but live happy lives trusting God. *** Lord, we rejoice in your soverignty and love for us. We don't fear Satan's plan because your power reigns over heaven and earth. We put our trust in you.

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