Monday, December 5, 2022

Mon.’s Devo - God’s People Return to God

Read: Hosea 1:1-3:5; 1 John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8; Provers 29:5-8 God gave messages to Hosea during the time that Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings in Judah and Jeroboam was the king of Israel. Jeroboam led Israel into total idolatry setting up golden calves in Dan and Bethel so the people of Israel wouldn’t go to Jerusalem to worship God at the Temple. Hosea means “to save”. He was from the tribe of Issachar and lived in Israel. He mentioned Judah in his words but he spoke mainly to Israel, the prostitute. God told Hosea to be a sign to Israel and marry a prostitute so that some of her children would be conceived in prostitution. She was to illustrate Israel’s relationship with their God. Hosea chose to marry Gomer which means “completion”. Together they had one son and Hosea named him Jezreel to bring attention to the evil done in Jezreel that God was going to avenge. To punish the murders done in Jezreel, God was going to break its military power there. Gomer became pregnant out of prostitution and had a daughter. Hosea named her Lo-ruhamah which means “not loved” because she hadn’t been conceived in love but lust. God used her to demonstrate that he would no longer show love to Israel as his daughter. God would show love to Judah and free them from their enemies. God would do this by his power, not man’s. After Lo-ruhamah was weaned, Hosea had another son out of wedlock and Hosea named him Lo-ammi meaning “not my people”. He was not Hosea’s son and Israel was not God’s people and He was not their God anymore. They had chosen other gods. Hosea told Hosea to take off her harlot’s makeup and clothes and cast her out of his house. This was a picture of how God would treat Israel for its idolatry. At the same place that Lo-Ammi was born, Israel would return after many years to their land and their God. They would once again become God’s people and his beloved. Gomer would be case out and find no place of safety. She would return to her husband who had given her everything, while she given his gifts to Baal. God did this to Israel. He had prospered Israel and given her prosperity and wealth. She had given all her gifts to Baal and not God. God would punish her by taking back his gifts and leaving her to her own devises. Her feasts and festivals and worship in the Temple would be taken away. When she had nothing, she would remember all God had done for her and return to call God her husband and her master. God would bless her once again with safety and peace and restore her wealth. Everything in Hosea’s life was a picture of what would happen in the future. His three children represented three periods of Israel’s history. Jezreel, the first child, represents the dynasty of Jeroboam I and his successors, ending with Jehu's shedding the blood of Jeroboam's line in Jezreel. This was where Jezebel was slain, in vengeance for Naboth's blood shed in the same Jezreel (1Ki 16:1; 2Ki 9:21, 30). Lo-ruhamah, the second child, is a daughter. She represents the weakened period which followed the overthrow of the first dynasty, when Israel was sinful and entitled. Lo-Ammi, "not my people”was the third child, and a son. He represented the stronger more aggressive dynasty of Jeroboam II. The kingdom prospered in wealth but not righteousness. They were still not God's people. At the return from Babylon, many Israelites joined with people of Judah. Gentiles as well as Jews, numerous "as the sand”, the Gentiles, once not God's people, would become His "sons”. Hosea was told to go get Gomer and bring her back and love her again. Hosea bought her back from her handler for 15 pieces of silver and 5 bushels of barley and a measure of wine. She would have to restrain from sexual relations with any one. This would illustrate that Israel would go into exile for many years without a king or any way to sacrifice. She would live with Hosea and not return to her life of prostitution but be loved by her husband. John tells us that we can beat the battle with sin with God’s great love and by following his commandments. Jesus was confirmed that he was God’s son through three witnesses: the Spirit, the water and the blood. The Spirit came on him at his baptism in water and God’s Spirit didn’t leave him. He shed his blood on the cross and rose to give us eternal life. We believe in Jesus so we know that our prayers are answered just as his were. We are to pray for every sinner who knows Christ to turn from their sin. God’s children will not make a practice of sinning because Jesus holds us securely and the evil one cannot touch us. The world is under Satan’s control but we are free from his power. We have chosen to be under God’s control. Lord, we choose to keep away from anything that might take God’s plan in our hearts. May we become your Word as we behold your precious promises. May we be vessels of peace.

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