Friday, November 18, 2022

Fri.’s Devo - The Valley of Dry Bones

Read: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23; James 1:19-2:17; Psalm 117:1-2; Proverbs 28:1 God took Ezekiel in the spirit to a valley filled with dried bones and led him around among the bones. He asked Ezekiel if these bones could live again. Ezekiel told God that He was the only one who knew the answer to that. God told Ezekiel to speak to the bones and tell them to listen to what God says. He was to tell the bones that God was going to put breath into them and they were going to live again. As Ezekiel spoke, the bones started rattling as they came together and made complete skeletons. Muscles and flesh formed over the bones then skin appeared. Then, Ezekiel was told to speak to the wind and tell it to breath into the bones. He did, and life came into the bodies and they stood up and made a great army. God explained that these bones represented the people of Israel who had become like old dried bones. They had lost their hope. God told Ezekiel to tell them that He would open the graves of the exiles and cause them to rise again. They would return to Israel and God would put his Spirit in them and they would live. Later, another message come to Ezekiel to take a piece of wood and carve the words: “this represents Judah and its allied tribes.” Then he was to take another piece and carve “this represents Ephraim and the northern tribes of Israel.” He was to hold them together in his hand as one because they would return home as one nation. One king would rule over them and no longer would they be divided into two kingdoms. They would never pollute themselves with idols or vile images and rebellion. God would cleanse them and they would be his people. David would be their king and they would obey God’s regulations. They would live in the land for generations under a covenant of peace. God’s Temple would be among them forever. Another message came concerning the last war against Gog and Magog, joined by Persia, Ethiopia, Libya and Gomer and all their allies. They would swoop down on the land of Israel while Israel will be enjoying peace after their years of exile. While the whole world is watching, God will display his power and holiness. In his fury, God will turn their swords against each other and punish Israel’s enemies with disease and bloodshed. He will send rain, hailstones, fire and burning sulfur and make himself known to all the nations of the world. They will know that he is God. We will have types of this happening on the earth but ultimately this is talking about the time of the last millennium when Jesus will be king. After the thousand years of peace, God will release Satan from the pit and he will come with a vengeance to attack God’s people and his kingdom. Satan will gather his army against God’s people but God will win this war for us. In James, we are told to listen patiently and not get quickly angered. Our anger doesn’t allow us to produce God’s righteousness. God is the one who will avenge our enemies for us; we are to love them. God’s Word is like a mirror that we have to constantly look at as our example of what we want to look like. Pure and genuine religion makes us care for orphans and widows in distress and refuses to let the world corrupt us. We are not to discriminate against people who are poor because some of them are rich in faith. To favor some people over others is a sin. If we choose to live by the law then we are not allowed to break one law, but if we choose to live by the law that sets you free, you must learn to have mercy. The way you show mercy is the way mercy will be give to us. Our faith causes us to produce good works. Lord, help us to have mercy on those who need mercy. May our hearts love others as you love us. Thank you for your salvation and your steadfast love.

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