Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thur.’s Devo - God’s Revenge

Read: Jeremiah 51:1-53; Titus 2:1-15; Psalm 99:1-9; Provers 26:17 The prophecy about Babylon is about 100 verses. She is the mother of all evil and the last kingdom to fall in Revelations. Babylon means “confusion; perversion”. She is the spirit of everything that is ungodly and the opposite of god. She is the spirit that is coming down in the world right now. God’s verdict and final judgment on Babylon was complete destruction. God’s advise to all his people living in Babylon was to flee. God had finally vindicated his people and came to judge evil. God would use the kings of the Medes and the Persians against Babylon. Their king was Cyrus. The craftsmen who made the idols they worship is deemed a fraud because their idols can’t save them. But God is no idol! He is the creator of everything that exists. God would repay Babylon for all the evil they did against his people. Babylon’s army will be so afraid they won’t come out to fight. All the escape routes would be blocked and their army would panic. Babylon had filled its belly with the riches of other nations but Jerusalem cries out to make the people of Babylon pay for spilling their blood. God answers Jerusalem saying that he would be their lawyer and plead their case before the courts of heaven. God would avenge his people. God would also punish their god, Bel or Baal. He wold no longer be worshiped because his kingdom has been destined to fall. In today’s reading about Titus I found nine forms of the word “teach”. The older men, older women, young men and slaves were all to live their lives in a way that it taught others how to live. They were to teach through example. We teach others how to live as we live for the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. His life freed us from every kind of sin and cleansed us and mades us his very own people totally committed to doing good deeds. We are to encourage the believers to do the same thing and correct them when necessary. Lord, may our lives be teaching to others of how to live in your kingdom. Thank you for pronouncing judgment and delivering us from the evil in our world. May we rebuild your kingdom of righteousness and holiness. Let your light shine upon our nation once again.

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