Saturday, September 3, 2022

Sat.’s Devo - Jesus is the Answer

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 22:16 It is hard to read Ecclesiastes and not think of songs in the 70’s like Bob Dylan’s “The Answer is Blowing in the Wind” and Donovan’s “Catch the Wind”. Solomon can be rather depressing as he considers life and its meaning. He comes up with ‘meaningless’ and ‘chasing the wind’ as his answers to most of life. Today he does see one thing to bring a ray of hope. He says it is good for people to embrace their own destiny instead of comparing their lives to others. He encourages us to enjoy the life God has given us instead of trying to be something we were never meant to be. That is great advise. Paul tells us not to team up with unbelievers because there can be no agreement there. God called his people out of the world to be separate and we are not to make covenants with people who aren’t in the same kingdom we are. Paul was constantly in the battle of good verses evil and was so aware of it. Lord, help us to be aware of the battle of good verses evil around us. May we separate ourselves from what defiles us and press on to the destiny we are called to. Thank you for the plan you have for our lives and may we not envy others and what they have. May we be grateful for everything you have given us and keep your kingdom first in our minds.

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