Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wed.’s Devo - The Wisdom of the Godly

Read: 1 Kings 3:3-4:34; Acts 6:1-15; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 16:26-27 Solomon loved the Lord and offered sacrifices and incense to the Lord like the priests. There were many places the people worshiped but the most important place was Gibeon. Solomon was there and had offered 1,000 burnt offerings. That night, God visited Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted. Solomon told God he desired wisdom and discernment to govern the people with justice. God was so pleased with Solomon’s request that he told him he would not only make him the wisest person ever born but he would also give him riches, honor, and a long life. Solomon proved his wisdom when two prostitutes brought him a live baby and both claimed it was their own. Solomon ordered to have the baby cut in half and half given to each mother. The lying mother agreed to kill the child. The real mother was ready to give up her child to have it live. Solomon gave the real mother the child. All Israel saw this and were amazed at his answer. Solomon divided his kingdom into 12 districts and put governors over each. Each governor was designated to give him a month’s supply to run the kingdom. The daily grocery list included 150 bushels of choice flour and 300 bushels of meal, 10 oxen, 20 cattle, 100 sheep or goats as well as deer, gazelles, roe dear and poultry. They also brought straw and barley for the royal horses. They faithfully brought their supplies on their month. God gave Solomon great wisdom and understanding and his fame spread through the world. He composed over 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He was gifted in knowledge of earth science. Many kings and dignitaries came to listen to his wisdom. In Acts, the Greek believers complained that their women widows were not treated like the Jewish widows. They weren’t given as much food for their families as the Jewish widows were given. So the 12 apostles met to discuss it. They selected 7 men to take care of the food distribution so they could put their energies into prayer and teaching the Word. The seven were chosen and prayed over by laying their hands on them. Stephen was one of the seven chosen. Stephen was full of God’s grace and performed many miracles. Some men from another sect came to challenge Stephen but they couldn’t stand against his wisdom. They decided to lie about Stephen and bring him before the Sanhedrin saying he had spoken blasphemies against Moses and God. When they brought their false charges against Stephen, his face became bright like an angel’s. Everything in this life is a test. Solomon was tested with wisdom and riches. The disciples were tested with persecution and enemies. Our tests may be other things. These tests prove our hearts. Wisdom and discernment and a heavenly perspective keeps us on the right path. This world is not our stopping place, it is our pilgrimage. Lord, help us to walk with our eyes on heaven and our feet grounded on your foundation. Grant us wisdom and discernment for the days in which we live.

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