Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thurs.’s Devo - God’s Song

Read: Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27; Luke 12:8-34; Psalm 78:32-55; Proverbs 12:21-23 God told Noah (Genesis 6:3) that man’s days would be shortened to 120 years and Moses lived that exact amount. He stood for the law and that was God’s decree against man. Moses assured them that God would go before them into the land and drive out their enemies before them. Moses called forth Joshua and told him to be strong and courageous as he led the people into the land. He was to be the one to divide the land among the tribes. Moses wrote all the words of the law in a book and gave it to Joshua and told him to read it to the people every seven years during the Feast of Tabernacles. It was time for Moses to die so God called him and Joshua to the Tabernacle where he He appeared to them in a pillar of cloud that stood at the entrance to the tent. God told Moses that the people would turn away from Him and worship foreign gods, abandon God and break his covenant. God told Moses to write down the words of a song and teach it to the people so they would understand what was happening to them when the terrible things God had said would happened occurred. Maybe it would cause them to repent and turn back. This song would be a testimony against them. Moses did what the Lord told him to do and put the book of instructions in the ark for the Levites to carry with them into the land. Chapter 32 is the words of the song. The song calls heaven and earth to testify for the Lord. It explains how wonderful and fair God is. It tells all the things God did for his people and yet how his people turned away from him and were stubborn and rebellious. The song tells of their birth as a nation and how God graciously took them out of a wasteland and brought them to a land filled with mild and honey. God chose them to be his special possession and gave the wonderful land to them. But, Israel forsook the Lord who loved them to follow gods who didn’t know them or have any life. They aroused God’s anger through their actions who brought terrible disasters upon them. The song continues tomorrow. In Luke, Jesus explained that what you profess here on earth stands in heaven. If you profess Jesus, then when you are called to stand trial on earth, heaven will profess through you. A man in the crowd wanted Jesus to make his brother divide their fathers’ estate with him. Jesus answered that he was not their judge but to guard against greed because life was not measured by what you have on earth. He told a parable about a rich man who accumulated much on earth but had no treasures with God. He had no relationship with God. He lost everything when he died suddenly. Jesus tells us not to worry about anything because worrying doesn’t accomplish anything. It only hurts us and our faith. Jesus used the birds and the lilies as examples of things God takes care of because he made them. How much more does he love us who are made in his image - his prized creation? How much more will he take care of us! Jesus ended with, “Whever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Lord, may the desires of our hearts be to love and follow you. We trust you to care for all our needs and use us to further your plan on the earth.

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