Sunday, October 17, 2021

Sun.’s Devo God’s Plan for Israel

Read: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26; 1 Timothy 2:1-15; Psalm 87:1-7; Proverbs 25:18-19 God told Jeremiah to write down and record this prophecy because it had to do with their far future. In 70 years God would bring them back and restore to them their fortunes and they would possess the land once again. But for now, men will double over in pain like women in childbirth because of the travail they are going through. In all history, there has never been a time of trouble like this one. Jeremiah comforted them with the fact that one day it would be over and they would be delivered. They will return to a life of peace and quiet and no longer be terrorized. God will completely destroy the nations that they had been exiled to. God had to punish them because of their sin but God always restores in the end. Their oppressors would pay the price. Israel would be given back their health and their wounds healed. They would have their own ruler from amongst them. God would invite him into his presence and Israel would be God’s people and He would be their God. Jeremiah gave a message to the nations of the world. He told them that his people who had been scattered amongst them would one day come home to their own land. They would come home singing and weeping for joy. God would bless their crops and their cattle. They would be abundantly blessed and their sorrow would be gone. They would dance for joy. Though they were in deep anguish, they would be rewarded. They would live to see their children return to their land. God told them to mark with roadsigns the way back to Jerusalem so they would be able to finds it when the time came to return. Jeremiah woke and realized he had dreamed of this. Paul urges us to pray for all people and to ask God to help them do this. Wey are to intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. We are to pray the same way for kings and all leaders in authority. We should pray that they lead in a way that it would give the people peace and quiet to live godly lives. God wants everyone to be saved and understand the truth. Men should pray with their hands lifted up to God and free of anger and controversy. Women are to be modest in their appearance and let their heart make them attractive. Timothy was the preacher in Ephesus at the time so the letter was written to him. Ephesus was a very sinful city which abounded in idol worship. The Temple of Dianna was there and women were worshiped and esteemed higher than men. It is no wonder that the women were not allowed to talk or teach in Ephesus. They were not ready or clean from their idolatry. They still dressed and adorned themselves like the women who worshiped at the temple of Dianna. Paul taught them the order of their birth. Adam came first and then Eve to be his helpmeet. She was deceived which led to sin being in the world. They will be made whole when they bring life back into the world since they were part of bringing death into the world. Lord, may we pray and intercede for ot

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