Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Tues.’s Devo - Transition to the Kingdom

Read: 1 Kings 3:3-4:34; Acts 6:1-15; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 16:26-27 Solomon was king and tried to follow the Lord. One day he offered 1,000 burnt offerings to the Lord and God came to him in a dream that night. He told Solomon to ask for anything he wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom to rule his vast kingdom and discernment to know the difference between right and wrong. God was so pleased that he asked for these things rather than riches and long life that he said he would give him these things also. God would make Solomon the wisest, most discerning king as well as the richest and oldest. When Solomon woke up he realized it was a dream. It wasn’t long before Solomon got to test his wisdom so all could see. Two women brought their grievance to Solomon. They had both had a child and one of their sons had died during the night. That mother took her dead son and put it in the arms of the other woman and took her live baby as her own. They brought the baby in before Solomon for him to choose who would get the baby. Solomon asked for a sword to cut the baby in two and give each woman a part. The real mother was willing to give up her child just to let it live so Solomon knew she was the real mother. The other woman was willing to cut the baby in two. Solomon gave the baby to the real mother and everyone was in awe of his decision. Solomon had a list of officers and people who helped him run his kingdom. In Acts, the church was having administration issues. The Greek-speaking believers complained that they were being treated unfairly in the distribution of food. The Twelve apostles met to appoint me to run the food program while they taught and discipled the people in the Word. Stephen was appointed to help with food. He was full of the Holy Spiret and moved in miracles, signs and wonders. The Freed Slaves wanted to debate with Stephen over doctrine and but Stephen had the same wisdom that Solomon had. None of the debaters were able to stand against the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen spoke. So, they brought false witness against him accusing him of speaking against the law of Moses. They said that he taught Jesus would destroy the Temple and change the customs Moses handed down to them. As they watched, Stephen’s face shone like an angel’s. It is amazing how the Old Testament and the New dove-tail. Both Solomon and the early church realized they needed many wise men to help run a kingdom. Solomon was a type of a physical kingdom where he was a type of Jesus, the king. The church was a type of a spiritual kingdom where Jesus is the king in spirit. Everyone has to do their part in both kingdoms to make it work. Stephen met opposition because he was running the kingdom in the Spirit and his accusers were stuck in the old system. Lord, help us to make the transition to your kingdom on earth. Give us grace and patience to make the shift.

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