Monday, August 31, 2020

Mon.’s Devo - The Glory of God’s Creation 8-31-20

Read: Job 37:1-39:30; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10; Psalm 44:9-26; Proverbs 22:13 Elihu continued his dialog of God’s greatness revealed in nature. He has a gift for describing thunder and lightning in a way you can see it and feel it. Then he asks Job if he can do that? He sarcastically asks Job to teach them how to talk to God since they are too arrogant. His point is that people who are wise fear God. Finally, God answers Job from the whirlwind. He asks Job question after question starting with, “Who is this that questions my wisdom with such arrogant words?” I have to say that God sounds a lot like Elihu which might by why God didn’t rebuke Elihu at the end. I like to read what God says, not as questions to Job but as insights to creation. He lets us in on how he created everything and his great wisdom and majesty is revealed in everything he made. What is so incredible is how he carefully God thought out his making of every animal and its characteristics and ways. We are all so different yet God has given each of us a part of himself that we portray to the world. Everything God made is an instrument in his orchestra. There is a word that Paul says twice that jumped out at me and it is the word “confidence”. That was he was trying to build in the church. Confidence in God’s ability to bring us to our promised land which is heaven. When we can see the end and the reward, we can endure the troubles of the day. When we lose sight of the reward, we faint and stumble. Jesus is our reward and our goal is to please him in this world with our lives. Lord, truly the earth manifests your glory and wisdom. May we never stop marveling over your creation and your great power to watch over and protect us.

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