Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thurs.’s Devo - Great Boldness

Read: 2 Samuel 22:1-23:23; Acts 2:1-47; Psalm 122:1-9; Proverbs 16:19-20
I love chapter 22 of Samuel. It is word for word repeated in Psalm 18. It is titled: the song that David sang when God delivered him from all of his enemies and Saul. It was a Messianic Psalm and could read: the song that Jesus sang when God delivered him from all his enemies and Satan. I believe that this is what was happening in the spiritual realm while Jesus was hanging on the cross (Matthew 27:50-54). God came down wrapped in darkness with quaking and thunder and rescued him and supported him. Jesus defeated death, his life was judged and he was found innocent and worthy of victory.
Next we have a list of David’s mightiest men. Let’s look at what their names mean. The first one means “the people of the Word, the wise ones, will return”. He killed 800 men in one battle with his spear. Those who understand the mystery will come back to earth to live in the 8th day.
The second one means “God helps those he loves and is a brother to the rest.” This guy and David stayed and fought the Philistines when the whole army had run. They got a great victory and ‘the rest’ came back for the plunder.
The third warrior’s name means “I will increase the desolation of the curser.”
Then there was the thirty who were lead by Abishai. The names associated with him mean the godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He killed 300 enemy warriors in a single battle which his spear (the Word of God).
The last one mentioned speaks of a people whose foundation is built on the knowledge of God. They will slay giants and chase Satan down to his own house and kill him. They will take the enemies weapons and use the enemies weapons and use them on them. That reminds me of Haman who died on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.
We are living in such a day as this and we can choose to be one of God’s mighty men of faith.
In Acts we have the day of Pentecost when the promised gift, the Holy Spirit fell upon Jesus’ disciples in power and demonstration. Peter stood up with boldness and preached a sermon to the multitude that had come to Jerusalem for the feast. He spoke in Hebrew and they heard it in their language and 3,000 believed. We are walking into a decade of Pentecost where we are going to do the things the apostles did and greater.
Lord, may we rise up and take our rightful place as a mighty warrior in your army. Help us to be bold as lions and not afraid of losing our lives for the gospel.

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