Monday, December 2, 2019

Mon.’s Devo - Daniel’s Seventy Weeks

Read: Daniel 9:1-11:1; 1 John 2:18-3:6; Psalm 121:1-8; Proverbs 28:27-28
Daniel was a true intercessor for his nation. He identified with their sin as if he had transgressed God’s laws, when, in truth, he was one of the only one who kept them. He prayed for forgiveness as if he was a guilty as they were. That is what Jesus did for us on the cross.
While Daniel was repenting for himself and his people, Gabriel appeared before him and told him he was greatly loved then he gave him a vision of what was going to happen in the future. From the time that it was decreed that Jerusalem would be rebuilt until the Messiah comes would be sixty-nine weeks. It would be rebuilt during troubled times. Then Messiah would be cut off, and the city destroyed. There would be desolations from then until the final war. There would be another week and in the middle of that week where the sacrifices would cease and the Anti-Christ would set up an abomination that caused desolation.
In Chapter 10, Daniel got understanding about the great war at the end. Daniel fasted for 21 days and at the end of his fast he saw a vision of a man dressed in linen, with a belt of the finest gold around his waist. His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches. His arms and legs were like the gleam of burnish bronze and his voice was like the sound of a multitude. Daniel fell down before the man and the men with him ran in fear. They hadn’t seen anything, but were filled with terror.
The man set Daniel up on his feet and told him how loved and favored he was. The angel explained that the prince of Persia had withstood his coming.
Every nation or peoples has a principality over it. Since Daniel was in Persia, the principality of Persia didn’t want Michael coming into his territory. The principality of Persia was about to be displaced by the principality of Greece. Michael announced that he was Daniel’s principality.
In First John, John gives encouragement to us who are living in the last days. The goal of the anti-christs throughout scripture is to deceive the saints. It will be the same of the last Anti-christ. We have been anointed with the Holy Spirit of truth which is in us. If we hold on to the Holy Spirit, we will not be led astray or fall into sin. No one who lives in him or knows Jesus will keep on sinning.

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