Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sun.’s Devo - Perseverance

Read: Ezekiel 35:1-36:38; James 1!-18; Spalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 27:23-27
Mount Seir which means “hairy” and refers to Esau who was hairy. His descendants were the Edomites who harbored hostility towards Jacob’s family, the Israelites. The Edomites were glad when Israel was defeated and helped their enemies fight against them. Since they loved to shed Israel’s blood, their blood would be shed. All the horrible things they had wished on the Israelites would fall on them.
Mountains stood for kingdoms and Mt. Seir was a wicked kingdom who came against God’s kingdom. In Chapter 36, God turns his attention to His mountains or kingdom in Israel. His mountains would rise up in the end and be fruitful. The people would return to their home and prosper and once again be a sign to the earth that God is in control.
The people of Israel had to be driven from their own home because of their wickedness and stubborn hearts but when they return they will be a different people. God will put his spirit in them and they will know him. God will cleanse them of their sins and they will rebuild and settle in the land of their inheritance.
James explains trials in the New Testament. They are our friends that mature and complete us. It is not our riches or position that God measures us by but how we persevere under testing. If we persevere we will receive much more than monetary payment but we will obtain the crown of life.
The devil is the tempter and when we are open to hear his voice, we will be tempted to sin. He knows our desires by the things that we give attention to and he will use these to drag us away from God for some worldly gift. God’s gifts are from above and are full of life that change us for the good.
Lord, help us to be alive to your voice and desire the things that are heavenly, not of this earth.

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