Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - Christ in Us

Read: Jeremiah 4:19-6:14; Colossians 1:21-2:7; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 24:23-25
Isaiah felt the anguish that God felt over the sin of the people of Jerusalem. He called them senseless children that had no understanding and were skilled in sinning.
Isaiah went back and forth from what he saw then to what he seaw in the future. He sees Jerusalem so empty it look like the earth before creation - formless and void with no light.
Isaiah thought that maybe it was just the people of the city that were so evil, so he went to visit the leaders of the city only to find out that they were as deceived as the people. The prophets prophesied lies, and the priests ruled by their own authority instead of God’s and the sad thing was that the people liked it that way.
God had had enough and was sending nations against them and He would fight with the nations against Jerusalem, the apple of his eye.
Paul wrote the letter to the church in Colossi which was a church he had never been to. It had been probably been founded by Epaphrus, one of Paul’s disciples. The church of the Colossians was composed of mainly Gentiles, whose religion had been angelology. This was a teaching that led its followers into deeper insight into the world of the spirits and the ability to obtain higher heavenly purity and intelligence. It was a religion of mystical and mysterious revelation so Paul appealed to that hunger. He told them of the mysteries of the gospel and the first one was that Christ was in them if they were born again. Another mystery was that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge were now theirs because of the first mystery. They didn’t need to study angels or stars to find higher revelation, it lived inside of them. They just needed to seek it out.
Lord, thank you that you never change. You still love your people with the same burning love and you put in us everything we need to live the life that Jesus lived… totally devoted to you.

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