Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Wed.’s Devo - A Time to Return

Read: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10; 14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24
We just finished the geneologies before they went into exile and now we are getting the first count of the ones who returned after the exile. Nothing is given of the time in exile which is because Israel’s time clock stops when they are out of the land and begins again when they are back in the land.
The first to resettle were mainly priests, Levites and temple servants along with a few people from Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh who were listed in today’s reading. It totaled around 3,618 people. The temple leaders were men who walked with God and had ministered under the days of David and Samuel. They set back up the tabernacle and started the ministry of worship and teaching once again.
This is the way it is in our lives. When we get away from the Lord and go our own way, sometimes it takes a while before we get back on the right track. I’m sure in Babylon and Assyria they were inundated with idol worship until they were sick of it. They returned to their roots and established their relationship with the Lord first. It is the foundation of all rebuilding.
In Chapter 10, Ezra takes us back to the time when Saul and his sons died in the battle. Saul died in disobedience and his kingdom was given to David.
In Acts, Paul and his fellow prisoners and sailors were in a terrific storm. The sailers had battled the storm without food or sleep for days. One night Paul had a dream where an angel came to him and told him not to be afraid of the storm because he was to testify in Rome and God would save every man on the ship. The next day Paul told the men in the ship and they were encouraged. Paul told them that the ship would be destroyed but if they remained on it till the end they would all live.
The sailors were tempted to escape on life boats, but Paul told them they would die if they did and they believed him. Paul was able to have communion with the people on the boat and encourage them to eat because the next day, they would be on solid ground. It all happened as Paul had been shown by God. Paul’s favor saved the lives of the other prisoners.
Thank you Lord, for all the times you preserve us and protect us and we don’t even realize it. You are our defender and our strong tower!

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