Friday, June 21, 2019

Fri.’s Devo - The Power of God

Read: 2 Kings 1:1-2:25; Acts 13:42-14:7; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 17:19-21
Second Kings covers the reign of 12 kings of Israel and 15 kings of Judah. Not one of the kings of Israel will be good and only a few of the kings of Judah will follow the Lord. Kings covers in detail the kings of Israel where Chronicles will cover the kings of Judah in detail. Because of their failure to follow God, the Northern Kingdom, Israel will eventually fall to the Assyrians and the Southern Kingdom, Judah will eventually fall to the Babylonians.
We begin our story with the son of Ahab, king Ahaziah. He had fallen through the lattice in his upper story and was injured. He sent some of his servants to ask Baal-Zebub if he would recover. His servants were intercepted by Elijah who told them to go back and tell the king that since he asked Baal-Zebub instead of God, he would not recover but die.
When the king verified that it was Elijah they had talked to, he sent 50 soldiers to bring Elijah to him. When they found him, he commanded fire from heaven to kill them. This happened twice. When the king sent a third group to bring Elijah back, this officer was very humble. He begged Elijah not to send fire to burn them up and an angel told Elijah that he was the man to follow back to the king. Elijah went to the king and told him the exact thing he had told his servant the first time.
When Ahaziah died, he had no heir, so his brother, Joram became king.
Meanwhile, it was time for Elijah to leave the earth and Elisha had been his mentee. Elisha knew he would leave that day and he wanted to see it. Elijah tried to get rid of Elisha so he would go to heaven secretly, but Elisha refused to give him any privacy. Finally, Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted and he said he wanted a double portion of Elijah’s mantle. Elijah told him that if he saw him leave, that would be his sign that God had granted his request. Elisha did get to see Elijah leave in God’s chariot of fire and Elijah’s mantle was left behind. Elisha picked it up and found that God had indeed given him his request. He used it to part the Jordan and walk across. The first miracle he did for the people was in Jericho. He cleansed the water that was holding back the next generation and brought healing and life. He did it with salt.
Jesus said that we are to be the salt of the earth. If we want to save the next generation and bring life, then we need to walk in all God has called us to walk in and be what God has called us to be. We have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness.
In Acts, Paul and Barnabas became so popular with their preaching about salvation that the Jews became very jealous of their popularity. They eventually kicked them out of the synagogue and went on to stir up lies about them to win back the people. They eventually persecuted them. Paul and Barnabas would continue to preach to the Gentiles which just made the Jews madder. This scenario seemed to be the norm wherever they went. Paul and Barnabas rejoiced in their persecution because many were coming to salvation and the Holy Spirit was moving in miracles and great power.
Lord, help us to read your Word with expectancy of what you are going to do through us in our generation. We pray for revival on the earth.

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