Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sat.’s Devo - Points of View

SatRead: Judges 19:1-20:48; John 3:22-4:3; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 14:22-24
The story of the concubine always makes me sick to my stomach. It is the picture of the mind of man when he becomes perverted in his thoughts; everything is upside down. The concubine left her Levite husband to go back to her family, probably because he was abusive (just my opinion). He went to get her back and the father did everything he could to give his daughter a few more nights at home. When the Levite couldn’t be stopped, he left with his “wife”. He refused to stay in a town that wasn’t an Israelite town, so they walk on till they come to Gibeah which is a small town in the tribe of Benjamin. Then we see a rerun of Lot in Sodom (Genesis 19). He sat at the city square waiting for someone to invite him to stay at their house and no one did. Finally, an old man from Ephraim who was temporarily working there saw him and invited him to his house.
That night, just like in Sodom, the men of the city surrounded the house and wanted the Levite to have sex with him. He made his concubine go out to them and they raped her to death. The next morning when he saw her on the doorstep and told her to get up. When he realized she was dead, he cut her into 12 pieces and sent the body parts to all the tribes to fight for him.
First of all, it was all his fault. He should have laid down his life for her, not vice versa. Then he should have taken responsibility for her life himself and repented. But, this is how sin twists our thinking. This is how the government can have laws to protect murderers of innocent babies. It is all centered around rebellion from God and selfishness. We have to worship something, and if it isn’t God; then it is ourselves.
This led to a civil war which was a war of numbers. Thirty thousand Israelites lost their lives in this battle and 25,000 Benjamites! The tribe of Benjamin was not very big to begin with. This all happened over very confused morals.
In John, his disciples were concerned that Jesus was becoming more popular than John and asked him about it. John explained to them that Jesus was the bridegroom coming for his bride and he, John, was a friend of the bridegroom’s. He was thrilled just to hear his voice. What a servant’s heart. John went on to explain that he taught from an earthly point of view because he was born on this earth, but Jesus taught from heaven’s point of view because he came from heaven. They needed to listen to Jesus.
Lord, may we see our life from heaven’s point of view and love like you do.

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