Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Wed.’s Devo - Noah’s Charge

Read: Genesis 5:1-7:24; Matthew 3:7-4:11; Psalm 3:1-8; Proverbs 1:10-19
There are seven generations from Adam to Enoch. Enoch’s life is a picture of the raptured Church. He walked with God until God came and took him. Enoch’s son was Methuselah who lived longer than any other human being - 365 years.
God told Noah to build an ark because the human race had become so wicked and violent. The demonic angels came to earth and had sex with the human women and produced off-spring that were supernaturally evil. God had to rid that seed from the earth or it would corrupt every man. Noah was the only man on earth that had a righteous blood line.
God told him exactly how to make it and filled it with two of every animal except the animals that he was to sacrifice. Of those, he chose seven.
Methuselah’s name means “when he dies, it will come” talking about the flood. He died the day Noah went into the ark. Noah was 600 years old when he entered the ark being a picture of the ones who would go through the tribulation in the 6th millennium. In 2 Peter 2:5 it says that Noah was a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. It never says how the people responded to his building the ark or if they tried to get on the boat. All of that is speculation. It does say that water sprang from the deeps of the earth and the heavens which caused the earth to fill with water very fast. Creation scientist teach that the water that sprung up from the earth punctured holes in the Ozone layer causing the atmosphere to change and the lifespan of man to shorten. Waters flooded the earth for one hundred and fifty days. All men and animals were killed except Noah.
In Matthew, John the Baptist came preaching the same message of Noah. John spoke to the children of Israel to repent and come back to God or God would find a new family. John baptized with water, but the Messiah would come baptizing in the Holy Spirit and with fire. Jesus came to where John was baptizing and John immediately recognized the spirit of God on Jesus. He told him that he should baptize him. Jesus told him that now he needed to be baptized by John to fulfill all righteousness. When he was baptized, the spirit of God came down like a dove and lit on him. God spoke from heaven and said, “This is my Son, whom I love: with him I am well pleased.” Then the Spirit of God led him into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. The devil offered Jesus everything that God would give him after the cross. The devil just wanted Jesus to bypass the cross. That is always the devil’s tactic. He wants us to be impatient with waiting on God and take his plan which will always be the wrong advice.
Lord, help us to see your plan and wait for it.


Kelly Herzberg said...

Thank you for doing this everyday!!

Ginny's gems said...

It is my joy! Thank you for being one of my most faithful followers!