Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tues.’s Devo - Hosea

Read: Hosea 1:1-3:5; 1 John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 29:5-8
Hosea will stretch your religiosity. It seems so offensive that God would tell a prophet to marry a harlot who has children born out of her sin as a sign to Israel. But, that is exactly what God told Hosea to do. He specifically chose Gomer whose name means “completion”. Israel had come to the end of their sin and was about to be judged for her adultery against God. Homer was the descendent of Japheth who had been one of Noah’s three sons. They came from the time of God’s greatest judgement on the earth and now Israel had come full circle and would be judged again.
Hosea and Gomer had three children. The first was a son that was named Jezebel for the Valley of Jezreel. Jehu had massacred the kings sons there and God was going to judge him for that. Next they had a daughter and God told them to name her Lo-Ruhamah which means “not pitied” because God would no longer show love to the house of Israel. He told them to name their third son Lo-ammi which mens “not my people” because God was no longer their God and they were no longer his people. God is so loving that he would not stay angry with them forever. One day, he would draw them back and call them his people and He would be their God. God showed this through Hosea’s life. His wife had returned to harlotry but God told Hosea to go get her back and love her again. Hosea had to buy her back just like Jesus bought us back from the devil with the price of his blood. He told Gomer that she could not go back to prostitution but he wanted her to be his wife. That is what God says to us. We are the bride of Christ and we can not return to our other lovers, we have been bought by Jesus.
First John continues his sermon on love. Because of God’s great love, we can ask anything in his name and he will hear us. We also know that Jesus keeps us from the harm of the devil because we are children of the living God.
Lord, thank you for your great love. Help us to walk in your will.

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